Essay collection coming soon!
From Picador USA:
Author of MAKE YOUR HOME AMONG STRANGERS and NYT contributing opinion writer Jennine Capó Crucet's NEVER IMAGINED ME HERE, an essay collection expanding on her work in the NYT and her recent talks at over a dozen college campuses, investigating through a personal lens questions on race, immigration, the modern reality of the American dream, and what it means to be a first- or second-generation citizen since the 2016 election, to Anne deVries at Picador USA. (World English/Spanish).
MYHAS comes to SEATTLE, 10/24 @ 3pm
Reading at Elliott Bay Books + Seattle Lit Crawl
Saturday, October 24th, 3pm
1521 Tenth Avenue
Seattle, WA | FREE
More details HERE.
BONUS FUN: Thursday, October 22nd, 8pm
Seattle Lit Crawl | Women of Color Prose Reading
with Shannon Barber & Wendy C. Ortiz
Fred Wildlife Refuge | 128 Belmont Ave E.
Seattle, WA | FREE
Full Lit Crawl schedule HERE.
MYHAS at the Texas Book Festival + Austin Lit Crawl!
Saturday, October 17th, 11am
TEXAS BOOK FESTIVAL | "Now That We Are Here" Panel
with Matthew Salesses & Kirstin Valdez Quade
Capitol Building | Extension Room E2.012
Austin, Texas | FREE
More details HERE.
BONUS FUN later that night (also FREE!): Austin Lit Crawl
The Austin Review Presents "You Talkin' to Me?"
Liberty | 1618 1/2 E. 6th street | 8:30pm
Details HERE.
MYHAS at the Pygmalion Lit Festival, 9/25 @ 10:30PM
Saturday, October 17th, 11am
TEXAS BOOK FESTIVAL | "Now That We Are Here" Panel
with Matthew Salesses & Kirstin Valdez Quade
Capitol Building | Extension Room E2.012
Austin, Texas | FREE
More details HERE.
BONUS FUN later that night (also FREE!): Austin Lit Crawl
The Austin Review Presents "You Talkin' to Me?"
Liberty | 1618 1/2 E. 6th street | 8:30pm
Details HERE.
Launch Party - Wednesday 8/5 - 8pm @ Books & Books
Come celebrate the release of MAKE YOUR HOME AMONG STRANGERS! The launch party will happen on Wednesday, August 5th at 8 PM at the Coral Gables Books & Books. Come ready for music, novel-related fun, and cake!
Reading and Q&A (hosted by Jennine's sister, if she finishes reading the novel in time), followed by a book signing.
Books & Books
265 Aragon Ave
Coral Gables, FL 33134
WHEN: Wednesday, 8.5.15, 8 PM
More details at the Books & Books website linked here: Jennine Capó Crucet at Books & Books
MYHAS gets a STARRED review from Kirkus!
Read the review on the Kirkus site here: //
"In Lizet's story, we have a thrilling, deeply fulfilling journey of a young woman stepping into her own power. This debut novel from Crucet (How to Leave Hialeah, 2009) heralds the birth of a talented novelist to watch."
"Here, perfectly articulated through Lizet, is the experience of being a first-generation child of immigrants in America—the lack of cultural capital, the casually racist comments of fellow students, the facade of campus diversity. “I’d yet to see a Latino professor on the Rawlings campus, though I knew from pictures in the school’s guidebook that there were a few somewhere,” Lizet wistfully notes. Here, too, is worldbuilding at its finest—Crucet crafts a rich setting and supporting characters to go along with her astute cultural analysis."
Reading in Laramie (WY) with Kelly Luce, 10/3 at 7pm
If you're out West, come hang out: I'll be reading with Kelly Luce, author of the fantastic story collection Three Scenarios in Which Hana Sasaki Grows a Tail, out from A Strange Object.
Friday, October 3rd, 7pm
THE SECOND STORY BOOKS (the location used to house a brothel, which is rad)
105 Ivinson Avenue
Laramie, WY 82070
Details about the location's cool history:
The biggest of thanks to writer Nina McConigley, author of the award-winning Cowboys and East Indians, for making this reading possible.
New essay up at THE RUMPUS.
It's about Neil deGrasse Tyson and my (perhaps unhealthy) obsession with him. And, you know, climate change. Many thanks to Roxane Gay and The Rumpus for publishing it.
Check it out here: "Facts About Neil deGrasse Tyson" by Jennine Capó Crucet.
Reading in New York, 7/7 at 6pm, La Casa Azul Bookstore
Monday, July 7th, 6pm
La Casa Azul Bookstore | As part of the 2014 KWELI Writers Conference
Reading and Conversation with KWELI's founding editor, the amazing Laura Pegram
Fun fact: KWELI was the first journal to publish an excerpt from my forthcoming novel, and they do awesome work. I'm so happy to be reading for them as the kick off event for their conference. Come join us! (You know I will give you hugs.)
Check out details here:
Reading in Seattle on 25 April at 7pm!
APRIL 25th, at 7pm -- The last event in the season for the Richard Hugo House Literary Series.
With Rick Bass and Nick Flynn!
We'll each be reading brand new work on the topic of "Some Like it Hot."
Details here:
New Novel to be Published by St. Martin's Press!
Leipzig Picador Reading: 7 November at 8pm
I'll be reading at the University of Leipzig as the Picador Fellow at the Institute for American Studies. It will be rad. Click here to see the very cool poster they made for it:
Reading in Berlin on 2 November at 8pm!
I'll be reading this Saturday (2 Nov) at 8pm and the English Theater Berlin as part of the U.S. Embassy's Literature series. Moderated by Daniel Schreiber of Die Zeit/Cicero! Details can be found here: